Funding Resources
Funding Organizations
There are a number of third-party scholarships for students interested in studying in Gap Year programs in Israel. Students may apply for as many such scholarships as they wish. It is recommended that you apply as soon as possible as many of those scholarships have an early application deadline.
The following are Jewish centered Funding opportunities:
In previous years, MASA has offered scholarships for participants in MASA-accredited Torah institutions. Scholarships are granted on a financial needs-basis. The amount, availability and application launch/process is still to be determined and we suggest checking the MASA website for updates: www.masaisrael.org/13-scholarships-for-jewish-students/
Mizrachi serves as a Representative Body to MASA, on behalf of MASA-accredited Torah institutions. Contact: Gapyear@mizrachi.org for more information on applying for funding.
Students in the YU-Stern S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program have access to additional funding sources. S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program | Yeshiva University (yu.edu)
Different NCSY branches offer scholarships exclusively to their participants. Contact your local NCSY office.
UJA-Federation/JCC – some local Federations run a scholarship fund for students wishing to study in Israel.
Bureau of Jewish Education – in Canada and the US, many cities have a Bureau of Jewish Education that gives out scholarships. Each of these Bureaus offers scholarships to study at a seminary or yeshiva in Israel. Please contact them directly for information.
Ask your local synagogue and Rabbi – many can help connect you with those who can help cover your travel and part of your experience in Israel.
Jewish Free Loan-grants interest free loans for Gap Year Students
The following is a list of generic funding opportunities compiled by the Gap Year Association.
$3,000 ZipRecruiter dream job scholarship
High School Jobs: www.ziprecruiter.com/high-school-jobs
College Jobs: www.ziprecruiter.com/college-jobs
Hosteling International
www.hiusa.org. Hosteling International are offering eighty-one (81) $2,000 travel scholarships in 14 locations. Applicants need to be 18 at the time of travel.
Mesothelioma.net, and Danziger & De Llano, LLP
Mesothelioma.net, and Danziger & De Llano, LLP, have a $2,000 scholarship for any students who have watched a family member or close friend go through the experience of fighting cancer, not limited to mesothelioma. Students applying for this scholarship must be enrolled at a two-year, four-year, community, or junior college, or in a graduate degree program on a full time basis. Also qualifying are high school and gap-year students planning on attending any of the programs mentioned above. All college students in the United States are eligible, but must be in good academic standing at their institution with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
The StudySoup Future Innovators Scholarship Program is designed to further propagate access to education for all, and is a $1,000 scholarship for outstanding students enrolling in or continuing to pursue education opportunities. Students must be a U.S. resident at least eighteen (18) years old who are either currently attending high school, or, currently attending an accredited university or college (undergraduate and graduate students are both eligible).
Study Soup Women in Technology Scholarship is available to foster innovation in the field of technology and help underrepresented students break down barriers, thus the $1,000 Women in Technology Scholarship for an outstanding female student who is planning a career in the field of computer science and/or computer programming. Individuals must be at least eighteen (18) years and either "Currently attending high school (or equivalent) and will be attending an accredited university or college in the next academic year", or, "Currently attending an accredited university or college (undergraduate and graduate students are both eligible)".
http://thepollinationproject.org. The Pollination Project gives $1,000 startup grants to individual change makers and projects that promote compassion around the world.
The Davidson Fellows Scholarship
http://www.davidsongifted.org. The Davidson Fellows Scholarship awards $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to extraordinary young people, 18 and under, who have completed a significant piece of work. Application categories are Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Literature, Music, Philosophy and Outside the Box. Davidson Fellows are honored every year in Washington, D.C. with Congressional meetings and a special reception.
The AgoraPulse Social Media Management Scholarship
www.agorapulse.com/social-media-management-scholarship. The AgoraPulse Social Media Management Scholarship is a highly competitive award for high school and college students interested in Social Media Management. Students applying must submit a brief essay explaining the best use of social media management — the act of engaging with a targeted audience on social media to increase brand visibility and build trust and top of mind awareness — that they have seen. $1,000 awards.
US Department of State
http://exchanges.state.gov. The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, provides merit-based scholarships for eligible high school students to learn less commonly taught languages in summer and academic-year overseas immersion programs. Previous language study is not required, and language learners of all levels are encouraged to apply.
Test drive your future
http://testdriveyourfuture.com/gap-year-scholarships. This is a great organization that has scholarships specifically designed for Gap Year students.
Fund for Education Abroad
www.fundforeducationabroad.org. Requires university credit. Fund for Education Abroad. The newly established Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) was created in order to open doors for deserving education abroad students. Starting with the 2011-2012 academic year, FEA will award funds for students planning to study abroad on any academically rigorous programs. Designed by the FEA Advisory Board, FEA scholarships are intended to meet the financial needs of students who might not be eligible for government grants or existing funds limited to specific programs or groups of students.
The Foundation for Global Scholars
https://www.fgscholars.org/grit/. The Foundation for Global Scholars is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Denver, Colorado whose mission is to create global citizens and leaders by assisting students in achieving their personal and professional goals of obtaining cultural and academic experiences abroad. The Foundation will support this mission by awarding scholarships to help enable students to obtain an international experience. Students who are from underrepresented populations in international education are a priority.
http://scholarships.goabroad.com. Goabroad.com is a leading provider of information for study abroad and have compiled their own study abroad scholarship database.
Rotary Scholarships
http://www.rotary.org. Rotary Scholarships for undergraduate, graduate & vocational study.
www.fafsa.ed.gov. Requires university credit. Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is the main clearing house you'll need for the biggest Federal financial aid pieces including the Pell Grant, and the Stafford and Perkins college loans.
Earth Island Institute Brower Youth Awards
www.broweryouthawards.org. Earth Island Institute Brower Youth Awards for 13 - 22 year olds living in North America who show outstanding leadership on a project or campaign with social impact of environmental impact
Starbucks Foundation
www.starbucksfoundation.org. Starbucks Shared Planet Youth Action Grants for service and activism