Bnei Akiva Olamit: Shalem
Shalem is an uplifting, inspiring, and empowering gap year program with Bnei Akiva. You will learn new skills, develop your Jewish Identity, adapt to new environments and play a meaningful part in contributing to Israeli society, all this while enjoying the group experience.
The core of the SHALEM program is Sherut Leumi (National service). As a girl on a Sherut Leumi program you will be part of the nationwide “Bat Ami” organization, which takes care of thousands of Israeli girls helping them through their year of giving back to Israeli society.
In addition to your “Sherut” you will be enjoying a variety of programming which will allow you to live and experience the pulse of the land and state of Israel. Bnei Akiva will be your family in Israel. From meeting you at the airport and helping you settle in to your Sherut Leumi and your apartments, to arranging Shabbat hospitality whenever you need, Bnei Akiva will be there for you.
The program cost is only $11,500 USD after the $2,000 Masa discount.

Ambassador Q & A
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